Webmaster Bonnie Colleen McCool Copyright© 2001-2013
Watercolor Painting
36"x24"  Commissioned Oil

"You really want the finished art or I chalk it up to experience. I do ask for $25 earnest money (nonrefundable) to cover the cost of my supplies. Tell me 254-592-6104 what you want. I'll quote you a reasonable price*!"

*Once we agree on the price I will invoice you by email for the earnest money, then finally for the approved finished art. You can pay in the ways listed below or by personal check & snail mail.

Solution Graphics
Commissioned Mixed Media
Commemorative Painting
A HOLLOW REED. open to receive!

Commissioned Art - Paintings and Sketches

"Once upon a time you or someone you love was a shining star! Commission a painting or sketch to commemorate that occasion! You can rest assured, it will not be forgotten! "

Contact McCool
Click on an image to view the larger version of the artwork.